Administrator pages: CarrierHub

The pages are organized by function. For example, all the pages that pertain to event notifications are listed in the Event notifications functionality topic.

Event notifications

The names of the pages that pertain to this function are listed.

Page name Page description ASPX page name

Configure Notifications

Use this page to create and manage the list of active e-mail addresses to which event notifications will be sent. Each e-mail address can be associated with one or more groups that will receive notification when a load request is processed.


Carrier Email Templates

Preformatted e-mail templates are provided for each event notification type. Use this page to modify them as needed or to create your own templates. This enables you to use the same format for each notification e-mail for an event type, rather than formatting them each time.


Define Events

Use this page to configure the application to automatically generate an e-mail notification or a log file when a specific event occurs, such as when a load is accepted. The e-mail will be sent to the dispatchers whose addresses have been recorded in the Configure Notifications page. The e-mail identifies the load, carrier, and includes any comments the carrier recorded for the load request.


Define Groups

Groups are used to direct the e-mail notifications sent to dispatchers. E-mail addresses assigned to a group receive notifications regarding loads that match ANY filters specified for that group.
