Managing load boards for carriers

Load boards are packets of data pulled from TMWSuite, filtered to reduce the number of records shown to a carrier, and configured to provide the tools for interacting with the carrier. Managing boards in CarrierHub begins with an understanding of each part of the package and how it is configured to customize CarrierHub to best meet the needs of your company and how you want to interface with users.

  • Views

    In the TMWSuite Dispatch application, views are restriction sets that limit the records appearing on the dispatcher’s Planning Worksheet. In CarrierHub, specially identified views without restrictions are used to generate the data grid that appears in your users' load boards.

  • Filters

    In CarrierHub, filters (restrictions) can be applied to views in much the same way as in the Planning Worksheet. CarrierHub allows you to create multiple filters for the same retrieved data.

    For example, you may want loads identified with RevType1 equal to Intrastate to appear on a board for certain users, but loads identified with RevType1 equal to Interstate to appear on a board for other carriers. You would define a different filter for each RevType variable.

    Filters also determine which columns from the Dispatch system appear, in what order they should appear, and what the column headings should be.

  • Board configurations

    Each load board type can be configured with the actions the user account can perform on that board while in CarrierHub. These settings control such things as the display of data, whether carriers can self-assign a load, request a load, update load status, approve pay information, and the like.

Working with filters

A filter is a set of restrictions for a load board. You can define filters for any of these board types:

  • Available Loads board
    An Available Loads board displays loads that have been recorded in the dispatch system and are available to be assigned.

  • Assigned Loads board
    An Assigned Loads board displays loads that have been recorded in the dispatch application database, and have been planned, dispatched, or started.

  • Historical (Completed) Load board
    The Historical Loads board displays orders that have been marked as completed in the dispatch application database.