Report Builder Templates

About this topic
  • Audience: System administrators, SSRS Report administrators

  • Conditions/restrictions: None

This section contains samples of Report Builder Templates in Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format.

When customizing report builder templates, do not make changes to the template directly. Save a copy of the template, and then make changes to the copy. For details, see Creating a report from a template.


These templates generate reports that contain revenue data from invoices, order headers, or a combination of both.

Report Name Description

Charge Types Template

Summary of charges types

Completed Orders with Missing Paperwork

Summary of orders with a completed status and no paperwork

Note: This report checks all orders in your system.

Credit Memo Template

Summary of invoices marked as Credit Memo only for specific bill dates

Customer Sales Summary Template

Summary of billed and unbilled revenue per customer

This report contains:

  • Orders with a status of Completed, Started, or Cancelled-Billable

  • Summary of sales per order or invoice with a customer summary

Daily Sales Information Template

Summary of daily sales

Invoice Detail by Billto

Invoice details grouped by Bill To and Bill Date

Invoice Detail Matrix

Invoice matrix grouped by Bill To/Invoice number and charge type

Invoice Detail Report - Grouped

Invoice details grouped by Bill To and sorted by date

Invoice Detail Template

Invoice details sorted by Bill Date

Invoice Information Template

Summary of invoice totals by Bill To.

The revenue only includes orders with invoices.

Sales Information Template

Summary of sales over a period of time

Top N Revenue by Billto Chart

Displays a graph of the top customers for a specific year

Unbilled Revenue Template

Summary of unbilled orders

This report contains:

  • Unbilled orders

  • Completed orders without an invoice

  • Invoices with a status of:

  • Available

  • Holding

  • Ready to print

File Maintenance

These templates generate reports that contain master data from various areas of the carrier, company, driver, tractor, and trailer profiles.

Report Name Description

90 Day Carrier History Report

Carrier history over the last 90 days

Average Fuel Price

Shows the Average Fuel Price table

Note: This report updates automatically.

Bill To Company Profile with Credit Limit

Displays Bill To company details and associated credit limits

Carrier Profile Template

Specific carrier details

Commodity Profile Template

Basic commodity information

Note: You can filter this report by hazmat type.

Company Profile Template

Specific company details

Driver Accident Template

Driver accidents over a date range

Driver AnniversaryReport

Anniversary dates for drivers along with driver e-mail

Driver Birthday Report

Birthday dates for drivers along with driver e-mail

Driver Card With Image

Driver information with an image of the driver

Driver Complaints Template

Driver complaints over a date range

Driver ObservationTemplate

Driver observations over a date range

Driver Profile Multi Row Template

Driver profile information

This generates a multi-line report that displays driver information grouped by Driver ID.

Driver Profile Template

Driver profile information

This generates a single-line report that displays driver information.

Driver Violations Template

Driver violations by year

Driver Wants Home - Last Home

Driver profile showing last date/time when the driver was home and their next requested date/time home


Driver qualifications


Driver’s performance based on:

  • Loaded miles

  • Empty miles

  • Total miles

  • Accidents

  • Observations

  • Complaints

Employee Profile Template

Employee profile details (non-hauling employees)

Lists employee profile details, such as: ID, name, and hire date

Expirations Template

Lists expirations for the following:

  • Carriers

  • Companies

  • Drivers

  • Tractors

  • Trailers

Pay To Template

List of Pay To profile information

Tractor Profile Template

Summary of tractor details

Trailer Profile Template

Summary of trailer details

Fuel Dispatch

These templates generate reports that contain fuel data.

Report Name Description

Companies Attached By Model ID

List of companies along with tank and commodity information

Note: This report works with Fuel Dispatch databases only.

Gross Volume Per Delivery Date Range

Gross volume per delivery by date range with commodities and total volume

Fuel Purchase Reports

These templates generate reports that contain fuel consumption by tractor, tractor and state, mileage, and card number.

Report Name Description


List of card assignments by asset

Fuel Bill

Summary of fuel purchases grouped by card number

Fuel Purchase Details By Truck

Summary of fuel purchases grouped by Tractor ID

Fuel Purchases

Summary of fuel purchases for a specific date range

Fuel Purchases Truck Summary By State

Summary of fuel purchases for trucks, grouped by state


These templates generate reports that contain mileage, resource profitability, and general shipment data.

Report Name Description

Asset Assignment By Asgn Type and ID

Asset assignment records by asset type and assignment ID

Available Loads Template

Orders available to dispatch within a specific ship date range and order stop details

Brokerage Confirmation History By Date Range

Shows the recorded sent history for confirmations sent to carriers by date they were sent

Brokerage Confirmation History By Leg Number

Shows the recorded sent history for confirmations sent to carriers by specific leg number.

Carrier Inactivity Template

Carriers listed by days inactive

Checkcall Entries by User

Count and details of the Check calls updated by user and time

Completed Orders

Completed orders organized by delivery date

Completed Orders by Consignee State

Completed orders by delivery date grouped by destination state


Current driver trip activity

Detention Template

Stop arrival to departure lag time greater than XX value (default is 120 minutes)

Driver Inactivity Template

Drivers listed by days inactive

Driver Log Hours Template

Driver hours logged, grouped by driver

Driver Miles By Stop Arrival Week

Driver miles per week over a period of time


List of notes entered under any note type. Runs by the date the note was entered / updated.

On Time Performance Percentage Template

List of stops that were completed late as a percentage and includes a pie chart

On Time Performance Template

List of stops that were completed late as a percentage and includes a pie chart

Note: The only difference between this report and the On Time Performance Percentage Template is the page layout.

On Time Performance Template - Wide Template

List of stops that were completed late

This report shows a chart with percentages and is wider than a printed layout.

Order Schedules Template

List of order schedules with expirations

Order Stop Detail Template

List of stops associated with an order

Orders By Shipper and Consignee

Orders listed by shipper and consignee

Orders Template

Summary of orders for a specific date range

Resource Mileage Carrier Template

Summary of empty, loaded, and total miles for each carrier resource within a specific trip segment end date range

Includes miles for all moves with or without an order

Resource Mileage Driver Template

Summary of empty, loaded, and total miles for each driver resource within a specific trip segment end date range

Includes miles for all moves with or without an order

Resource Mileage Tractor Template

Summary of empty, loaded, and total miles for each tractor resource within a specific trip segment end date range

Includes miles for all moves with or without an order

Resource Mileage Trailer Template

Summary of empty, loaded, and total miles for each trailer resource within a specific trip segment.

Note: This report assumes the trailer was not changed during the trip.

Revenue by Customer

Revenue by Bill To for specific period of time

Revenue by Truck

Revenue by truck based on segment date

Revenue To Order Count Chart by Delivery Dates

Displays information about revenue to order ratios with a chart for a specific period of time

Stop Detail Template

Summary of stops for a specific date range

Stop Freight Detail Template

Summary of stop freight


Summary of stop data reported by TotalMail for drivers


Summary of stop data reported by TotalMail for tractors

Top Ten Order Count for Billto^o

Displays a graph of the top customers for a specific year

Tractor Inactivity Template

Tractors listed by days inactive

Trailer Inactivity Template

Trailers listed by days inactive

Trip Segment Analysis Template By Carrier Totals

Trip segment details for a specific carrier, data summary by carrier

Includes carrier ID, trip segment number, trip start and end dates, movement number, order number, mileage data, revenue, pay, net dollars, and margin

For a split trip, the system uses a percentage of a movement’s total mileage as a basis to allocate revenue by segment.

Trip Segment Analysis Template By Driver Totals

Trip segment details for a specific driver, data summary by truck

Includes truck ID, trip segment number, trip start and end dates, movement number, order number, mileage data, fuel surcharge, revenue, pay, net dollars, and margin

For a split trip, the system uses a percentage of a movement’s total mileage as a basis to allocate revenue by segment.

Trip Segment Analysis Template By Executing Terminal

Trip segment details by executing terminal (branch)

Trip Segment Template Analysis LegDetails

Trip segment details

Includes trip segment number, trip start and end dates, movement number, order number, mileage data, fuel surcharge, revenue, pay, net dollars, and margin

For a split trip, the system uses a percentage of a movement’s total mileage as a basis to allocate revenue by segment.

Trip Segment Analysis Primary Trailer Totals

Trip segment details for a specific trailer

Trip Segment Template Analysis Tractor Totals

Trip segment details for a specific tractor, data summary by truck

Includes truck ID, trip segment number, trip start and end dates, order number, mileage data, fuel surcharge, revenue, pay, net dollars, and margin

For a split trip, the system uses a percentage of a movement’s total mileage as a basis to allocate revenue by segment.

Safety Reports

These templates generate reports that contain safety information.

Report Name Description

Safety Accidents

Displays a list of accidents, such as crashes

Safety Incident

Displays a list of incidents, such as speeding

Safety Injury

Displays a list of injuries, such as a pallet falling on a foot

Safety Observation

Displays a list of safety observations such as not wearing specified safety gear

Usually, these observations are something that did not cause an injury or an accident.

Safety Spill

Displays a list of spills or contaminations


These templates generate reports that contain payment data from the Settlements application.

Report Name Description

Last 30 Days by Billto Charts

Shows volume, revenue, and order count in a chart format for a single BillTo.

Outstanding Pay Details

  • Outstanding pay details

  • Includes order number, movement number, resource ID, resource name, pay details, mileage data, rate data, pay period, and pay status

Pay Details

  • General pay details

  • Includes order number, movement number, resource ID, resource name, pay details, mileage data, rate data, and pay period

Pay Details by Header and Detail status

Displays driver pay details by pay header and pay detail status

Pay Summary Matrix By Pay To Template

Displays pay details by pay period date and Pay To ID
Note: This report shows only resources with a Pay To ID.

Pay Summary Matrix #1

  • Complete pay summary with monthly breakdown

  • Includes pay period, pay code, pay description, pay summary per month, and pay per resource

Pay Summary Matrix #2

Displays pay details by pay period date and resource ID

Pay Types

Summary of pay types and Pay Type ID

Recurring Adjustments by Asset

Recurring adjustments by asset, includes: description, name, terms, ID, dates, status, and amounts

Note: This report works with TMW Back Office.

Recurring Adjustments by Type

Recurring adjustments by adjustment type, includes: description, name, terms, ID, dates, status, and amounts

Note: This report works with TMW Back Office.

Resource Pay Summary

  • Pay summary by resource

  • Includes resource ID, resource type, resource name, pay type, pay period, and total pay

Settlement Detail Summary by ID

Lists pay information for individual resources by ID

Standing Deduction Detail

Summary of standing deductions by asset


These templates generate reports that contain message counts and messages sent.

Report Name Description

Form History By Form

Summary of message counts and error percentages

Form History By Truck

Summary of messages sent and error percentages