Driver overview

DriverSeat® is a web-based program that drivers can use to keep in touch with their company while on the road. You can also use it to see trip and pay summary information and possibly your CSA safety scoring. You have a personal calendar and scheduler you can use to keep track of important dates and appointments and request time off.

Terms used in DriverSeat

While working in DriverSeat, you may come across these terms.

Assigned trips

Trip orders that have been assigned to you. You view details of the trip as well as a map of the trip’s route.

Available trips

Trip orders that are presented by your company to drivers who may want to request them. You may want to speak to your dispatcher about possible assignment to a trip.


Your company’s dispatch system allows dispatchers and DriverSeat administrators to schedule time when you are unavailable for trip assignments. Such time-off records are called expirations. The term expiration refers to the fact that the driver will be unavailable for a limited period of time. At some point the time-off period ends, or expires. Vacation, physicals, and training are examples of expirations.

Stop event

Dispatch system’s code to designate the type of stop on the trip. Examples include such codes as:

  • BBT - Begin bobtail

  • LLD - Live load

  • LUL - Live unload

General process that you will follow when using DriverSeat

The links in this process direct you to the help topics for each.

  1. Register as a new user.

    The User Registration Information page opens the first time you log into Trimble Web Products. It also opens if your company changes the terms and conditions, requiring you to read and accept them again.

  2. Add or change the information in your user profile.

    Your user account may require periodic maintenance. If necessary, you can update your name, contact information, and security questions in your user profile at any time. To ensure your account security, it is a good policy to periodically change your password. You can also view the Terms and Conditions that you accepted the first time you logged in.

If your login allows, you can create additional login accounts for others.

Features of DriverSeat

The links in this list direct you to the help topics for each.

  • Viewing and managing your trips
    You can view upcoming trips to which you are assigned and trips that are available for assignment. You can also request a trip.

  • Viewing your pay summaries
    You can review pay data for trips that occurred during a specific date range. You can view all trips that fall within that range, even if pay has not yet been recorded for every trip. You can review pay that has been finalized within a specific pay period or date range.

  • Viewing your CSA safety data
    If your company has registered its DOT number, you have the ability to view your CSA safety scoring information.

  • Working in your calendar
    You can add and view events or appointments in a personal schedule or calendar and request time off.

  • Reading company communications
    The topics and procedures in this section describe features that allow you to provide and receive information. For example, you can use the Surveys feature to answer questionnaires, and the News feature allows you to read the latest company and industry news.