Administrator pages: Data Warehouse

The names of the pages that pertain to this function are listed.

Page name Page description ASPX page name

DW Database Selection

Use this page to add a datasource to the Data Warehouse database. You must enter at least one datasource to build reports in Data Warehouse Explorer.


Edit Metadata

When users build reports in Data Warehouse Explorer, they select report entities from the Report Palette. By default, users have access to every report entity. Use this page to manage which report entities users have access to in the Report Palette.



When you use the Edit Metadata page to manage report entities, your changes affect all users and all roles. However, you can use this page to manage report entities and report filters based on the user’s role.


Export & Import

Use this page to manage Data Warehouse reports. On this page, you can remove reports from the Load Report window, export a report for use in another Data Warehouse environment, or import Data Warehouse reports from other Data Warehouse environments.
