Welcome to Trimble Web Products

These applications or modules are available as part of Trimble Web Products. A separate license is required for each.

  • CarrierHub®

    CarrierHub is a web-based application that allows a trucking company or broker to post available loads for third-party carriers on the Internet. In turn, these carriers use CarrierHub to submit requests for the loads that they want to haul and to track and update the progress of assigned loads.

  • Dashboard Builder

    Dashboard Builder is a program that you can use to create dynamic dashboards that display your business activities. With Dashboard Builder, you remove barriers to your data, allowing you to make faster, better business decisions.

    Dashboards display reports from multiple reporting tools, such as Crystal Reports, SSRS reports, and Data Warehouse Explorer reports. You can customize dashboards to meet your business needs.

  • Data Warehouse Explorer

    Data Warehouse Explorer is a program that you can use to create dynamic reports to analyze your business activities. With Data Warehouse Explorer, you no longer need to request reports from reporting experts or learn complicated reporting tools such as SQL Server Reporting Services or Crystal Reports.

  • DriverSeat®

    DriverSeat is a web-based program that you the driver can use to keep in touch with your company while on the road. You can also use it to see trip and pay summary information, and possibly your CSA safety scoring. You have a personal calendar and scheduler that you can use to keep track of important dates and appointments and to request time off.

  • eStat®

    eStat is a web-based application that can be used to access the hosting company’s database through a web site. Here, you can submit (tender) orders, track the status of your orders, and view reports.

  • FreightAgent®

    FreightAgent is a web-based application that enables a hosting company to create a customized, secure site for agents. You can use the Freight Agent Order Entry page in FreightAgent to create and edit orders, view the status of orders, and add companies and carriers to the database.

    The Planning Worksheet page in FreightAgent provides an overview of loads and resources. You can retrieve and view loads for a specified date range, edit details, and assign a carrier.

  • SystemsLink API

    SystemsLink is a web service API that enables Trimble Transportation customers to exchange data between Trimble Transportation applications and other systems. The API provides methods for customer applications to create, retrieve, and update the data in the Trimble Transportation product database with encapsulated business logic.

    Online help exists for:

  • TMW.Suite Go

    TMW.Suite Go! is the umbrella name given to the TMW.Suite mobile apps: TMW.Suite Go Dispatch and TMW.Suite Go Driver. Both apps are available for Android and Apple devices.

    You set up TMW.Suite Go for users in Trimble Web Products.

  • WorkCycle

    WorkCycle is a tool kit used to assemble processes that can launch actions based on database activity, file availability, or time. The application can be used to replace electronic organizers, e-mail, sticky notes, and other types of manual reminders with an automated system that prioritizes, monitors, and completes day-to-day tasks.