Identifying who is notified when agents add companies and carriers

Agents can add companies and carriers to your database. A profile is created for each company or carrier an agent enters. However, the profiles are created with expirations that prevent them from being active and available. Your company must review the profiles and complete the expirations.

As the hosting company, you determine how new company and carrier IDs are assigned in the system. You must instruct your agents to follow your procedure for assigning IDs.

By default, an e-mail confirming the addition of the company or carrier is sent to the address on the agent’s profile. You can set up the system to send additional notifications if needed.

To enter e-mail addresses for notification of added companies or carriers, follow these steps.

  1. Go to Menu > Configuration > Settings Manager.
    The Settings Manager page opens.

  2. Do one of the following:

    • If you want the setting change to apply to all roles, verify the Role field is set to [Global Settings].

    • If you want the setting change to apply to a specific role, select it in the Role field.
      A message asks you to verify that you want to change the role. Click OK to continue.

      Note: If the setting has already been changed for at least one role, its text label is bold and italic.

  3. On the Modules tab, in the Module Selection field, select Agent.

  4. Click the Company tab.

  5. In the When adding a company…​ field, enter the e-mail address for new company and carrier notifications. For multiple e-mails, separate the addresses with a comma.

  6. Click Save.
    A message appears at the top of the page, stating your settings were saved successfully. If you are making changes for a specific role and this is the first time the setting has been changed for any role, the text label style changes to bold and italic.

    If you do not want to save, click Revert instead. The application cancels any unsaved changes and reverts to the last saved settings.