Managing data grids

Grid configurations control the access to, appearance, and contents of a grid on a page based on a user’s role.

Data grids can be set up to show only the data users need to see. Grids also can be set up so the data appears in the format most useful to users.

You can manage which users may access grids. You also can control the actions a user can perform while viewing a grid.

When setting up a grid, you can specify:

  • Which columns are included and how they are titled

  • Column filters

  • Column sort order

  • Special formatting for cells or rows that meet certain conditions

  • Which user roles may access the grid configuration

By default, all users can create grid configurations for their own use. Users may want to tailor grid configurations to their work routines. Grid configurations set up by non-administrators are not available to other users.

When you installed Trimble Web Products, you had access to the adminacct login. The system-default grid configurations were created by that login. Only the adminacct login can overwrite a system-default grid configuration. Any changes to a system-default grid configuration made by any other account require the grid configuration to be saved with a new name.