Planning a board

Before creating a board, you need to plan it.

  • What do you want users to see on this board?

    Suppose you want users to see a list of active trips. You want them to see the trips listed in a grid. Do you also want them to see the trip’s route on a map?

  • What do you want users to do on this board?

    Should users be able to open the trip in the Trip Folder for editing?

  • Which types of cells should you use to provide the information users should see? What types of subscriptions do the cells need?

    To show a list of active trips, you would use the Active Grid cell. To show the trip route, you would use the RouteMap cell. To allow the user to open the trip in the Trip Folder, you would add a subscription to open the Trip Folder. You would use CustomMenuCommand as the event and OpenTripFolder as the action.

Understanding the types of cells and the functionality they offer is critical to successfully creating a Company Planner board.