Introduction to shift-based dispatch

Trucking companies often have standard shifts that include regular days that a driver is on or off duty. Shift-based drivers may transport multiple orders in a single shift. TMW Operations shift-based dispatching allows you to manage both driver schedules and trips easily. Shift-based dispatch has two main features: driver schedules and the Trip Planner.

Driver schedules

Drivers must have scheduled shifts when used in shift-based dispatching. These shift schedules determine when each driver is on and off duty, and which drivers are retrieved as available for planning when using the Trip Planner. Driver schedules are generated using terminal-specific schedule templates.

For more information on driver schedules in TMW Operations, see Introduction to scheduling drivers.

Trip Planner

Using the Trip Planner, you match trips with drivers who are on duty during a specific day. Selecting a driver displays a timeline that illustrates his/her shift start and end times. You assign trips to drivers using drag-and-drop functionality. You visually track the driver’s time using the timeline.

For more information on the Trip Planner, see Introduction to the Trip Planner.

General process you will follow when using shift-based dispatch