Directory of other setup options

TMW Operations offers many setup options that allow you to configure the system to best meet your company’s needs. For some features, the setup is best explained in combination with information on how end users use them. This table lists those features and provides links to the topics that describe them.

Feature Description

Layout security for windows grids and menus

  • Designing and modifying layouts for windows, data grids, and menus

  • Assigning layouts to users

Field-level validation

You can create rules to restrict the value that can be saved in a field. You can require that a field contain certain information or not be left blank.

Links, reports, and custom grids

Adding links, reports, and custom grids that allow you to view customized information important to your company directly inside TMW Operations windows

Scroll windows

Enabling users' ability to use the scroll windows to edit and export data

Options for logging in and out

  • Using the global logon feature

  • Specifying the graphic for the login window

  • Logging off without a confirmation message

Board setup

Setting up views, which control database column retrieval and restrictions for the grids in the Planning Worksheet and Trip Planner

Driver schedules for shift-based dispatch

Setting up and assigning schedules for drivers' shifts

Note: Schedules apply only if you use the Trip Planner to do shift-based dispatch.

Trip Planner window setup

Using the Cell Designer to configure the look of these sections on the Trip Planner:

  • Driver Shift* pane, which lists the drivers that are on duty for a specific day

  • Assignment Plan* pane, which consists of trip time blocks for on-duty drivers

Note: The Trip Planner is designed only for shift-based dispatch. You cannot use it in combination with the Trip Folder or Planning Worksheet.

Assigning drivers, tractors, and trailers in the Assign Driver/
Equipment window

Specifying rules for how resource assignment is handled in the Assign Driver/Equipment window

Note: This window is not used for shift-based dispatch.

Notes feature

Setting up the feature that you use to enter free-form text for resource profiles and trips

Load requirements

Setting up the feature that allows you to specify the accessories, characteristics, or qualifications that resources must have to haul specific loads


Setting up the feature that allows you to record important activities and out-of-service dates for such things as driver vacations and equipment maintenance


Setting up the feature allows you to use ALK Maps so that you can view and track trip and resource data on a graphical map.